Sunday 27 November 2011

             Devanga is the sub-caste in Hinduism. Devangas are Brahmins by birth. Although Devanga is one of the oldest castes in the India caste, much is known about is historicity. This caste is orginated in the pre-vedic period. There is only one source is there to explain the origin of this caste that source is called Devanga Purana.

             According to Devanga Purana Lord Mahadeva created a Jyothi from his third eye which appeared in the form of a man and Lord Shiva called him as "Devala" and assigned him the responsibility of manufacturing the thread and the cloths for Gods and Men. Mahadeva also indicated to Devala that he will have to incarnate seven times and after he finished his work completly he could return to Mahadeva and this is how, the originator of the Devanga matha Devala Maharishi was born.
             Devala then went ahead with his assignment. He obtained fibers from the cotton and manufactured threads from them. He gave these thread with due mantropadesha of Gayatri to Brahmins who in their turn passed it on to Kshatriyas and they in turn to Vaishyas. From that point Devala may be considered as the strater of a Brahminical tradition of wearing Yajnopaveeta. Devanga matha grown by Devala's seven birth.
             After that becase of migration and in the period of Vijayanagara empire the cast people was strated talking Teluge and the Devanga was splited into Kannada Devangas and Telugu Devangas.
In the begining there were only 102 Gotras among them. But in the course of time they were increased to 1,500.

Geographic Distribution
             Devangas are living in the many states in the India, like Assam, Utharpradesh, Madyapradesh, Gujarat, Maharastra, Andhrapradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.